Since being ordained as pastors in June 2018, Steven and Maureen have dedicated their lives to introducing and sharing the Gospel of Grace to the unchurched and those
negatively impacted by religion. Serving in church since 2000, they always knew of their ministerial calling to have a "team ministry." Working in various church capacities and the non-profit sector, both deeply care for the marginalized and oppressed. With their connections to community outreach resources, networks, and other faith-based institutions, many would recognize them by their profession, love for God, and each other. These formative years of working together in the church and marketplace would be the foundation of where God was taking them.
In 2016, Steven and Maureen had a life-changing experience that would shift their perspective about church, religion, and God. They both committed to learning about the Gospel of Grace during this time. One key revelation in their study was "mixture," which is Grace mixed with Law-keeping. On the one hand, we hear, "We are justified by grace through faith"; on the other hand, we hear, "If we want God to bless us, we must perform or do good deeds." They learned falling from grace is not going back into sin; it's falling back into Law-keeping (Acts 15:10-11; Galatians 1:6-7, 2:16-21). This newfound understanding reformed their thinking, thus changing the trajectory of their lives and ministry.